version 2017.01.26.
This BootCamp includes approximately 440 medical terms of bones and ligaments on 54 black and white sketches.
First screen
By selecting, and then clicking on a term for a “bone” or a “ligament” in the first screen, the proper figure is displayed with a question and an indicator. When either, “Examination (Bones or Ligaments)” is clicked, a random question along with an indicator is displayed.
Second screen
By selecting an answer from those listed and clicking on it and then clicking on “Judgement”, “〇” or “×” appears at the left of the chosen answer, indicating whether it is “Correct” or “Incorrect”, respectively.
By clicking on “Hints”, hint-indicating circles appear on the figure. By clicking on “Answers”, all the correct terms appear in the correct places on the figure.
By clicking on “Study”, a new question and indicator randomly appears on the figure.
Dowloard ⇒
iPhone (申請中)
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